Monday, August 25, 2008

Another One Gone

On Saturday I got an email from Anna Schumacher letting me know that she is taking off fall quarter and therefore will not be available for rehearsals during fall quarter. I am trying not to be down about it, especially since we have not really started things yet. She did let me know that she completed 2 of the mail tasks and sent them on. So at least there's been some activity. I am currently at the library and was going to do some thesis work, but think I will do some Dada research instead.

The cool thing about Anna being in NY and her possible continued interest in the project is the mail aspect. We could continue to play with correspondence through the mail like the Dadaists did. There also may be some NY tasks she could do on my behalf. Or perhaps, we switch. She play NY and I play Paris. But she may not want to continue her involvement from so far away. We'll see.

I will send the emails to all of the departments in 5 days, so hopefully I will have a few more people on my team in a week or so.

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